Monday, October 14, 2013


Or I could title this God's Not Dead.

It's a Monday.  Granted a beautiful fall Monday but Monday nonetheless.  We did not want to start school.  I turned on Family Life Radio and this song was playing.

Kid was walking around the kitchen putting away the dishes.  About three quarters of the way into the song (at around 3:35) they WHISPER..'God's Not Dead.  He's Surely Alive."  Kid stops.  And smiles.  He heard the whisper.  I love that. It truly is such a whisper from God I could not let the moment escape without getting it down in black and white.

And to make the connection even more personal, the "Three Things" on the 1000 gifts list   TODAY is "3 Things Said."  

1.  Whispers..  God's Not Dead.  He's Surely Alive.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cute - my daughter made a bookmark just yesterday and it was covered with love hearts, the word love and the word God. Says it all so very simply....

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