Sunday, January 15, 2012

Poor Poor Neglected Blog.... A Great Bunch of Link Ups

My poor poor neglected blog.  I have had LOTS in my brain to blog about but when I go to sit down and write....nothing.  I have been journaling like a mad-woman but I'm just not sharing most of that!

One of the things I have been listening to however is Brad Jersak on how to listen to the Holy Spirit.  Just last night I went to a talk by Francis Chan and he spoke about how the Holy Spirit is a missing component in the American Christian church.   Brad lays it out in such a way that it is SIMPLE.  Each of these is almost an hour long but in my humble opinion, they are worth it.  I know not everyone will be interested in learning but if the Holy Spirit prompts you to.. do it.  I turn on the computer and play them while I'm doing dishes or whatever.  Good stuff.

Brad Jersak Listen Up! Session 1.

Brad Jersak Listen Up! Session 2.

Brad Jersak Listen Up! Session 3.

Brad Jersak Listen Up! Session 4.

Brad Jersak Listen Up! Session 5.

Brad Jersak Listen Up! Session 6.

If you want them all on one page here they are.

I have some God stories to tell you all on what has transpired from these but will leave those for another post.  I am actually only half way through these so take your time!!!  No need to power listen through them.  Don't discount just because it seems lengthy.   Listen as you can as you feel led.

1 comment:

walking said...

I so agree. Beth Moore's Bible study on the fruit of the Spirit changed my understanding. I look forward to listening to these.

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