Going thru my old blog.. My sissy wrote this a couple of years ago. Cheers me up...so sweet.
Magnolias in Bloom
Hello there Magnolia,
It’s good to see you again!
I have been missing your flowers,
And have wondered how you’ve been.
You are the best of both worlds,
Being a flower and a tree.
You’re one of the first to bloom
At least the ones I see.
Mississippi named you
The great flower of their state
You come in so many different sizes,
Colors and shapes!
You must be tough
To survive being pollinated by beetles
Not sure if that is better
Then worrying about a bee’s stinging needle
I will enjoy you this warm season,
Watch and smell you bloom and grow.
And I’ll be sure to thank Pierre Magnol
Whose name you’re sure to know.
- Leslie Schwanbeck (c)2008
This cheered me up too. : ) My kids gave me a Magnolia tree for mother's day 7 or 8 years ago, and it's really grown. It's one of my favorite things of spring.
Wow, reading through that, I totally remember learning about magnolias in order to write that! How fun, thanks for reposting!
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