Friday, September 2, 2011


Ah to be a new homeschooler again... Wide eyed... full of ideas...  Excited for the year to start.....

Alas I think I have hit the speed bump where we are going 5 MPH.

I debated on posting this because it does sound like a downer but as I was reflecting on where we have come from and where we are going, I see that it is a journey.  But we are in the 5 MPH zone right now..actually we have been there awhile so maybe we will find our way through soon.   I am learning to be OK with that.   I am finding not an excessive joy of the upcoming year.  Rather it is a resigned peace.

But my planning consisted of a big piece of cardboard and a sharpie.  I cordoned off six blocks.  Wrote various subjects in each one and sat in my "back room" full of books flipping through to see what we could do.   Here is the start of my "planner."  While sitting back there I was thinking about what a friend is planning to do for her own son.  She is going to write on notecards various things they do and then sort them into subjects later.  I might do that as well.

I know.. it isn't fancy.  But I am going to post it next to my desk.  Often I plan way to much.  This will focus me on a few good things.  And then we will add as we go along.  Perhaps I will show you along the way how I add to it, change it, modify it... I am a tweaker.  I love to tweak systems.  I rarely stick with them.

Perhaps when we round the corner it will be straight road at 70 MPH.

1 comment:

berrypatch said...

I couldn't agree more and I may have to just steal this idea. :-) The other day I pulled up my blog post from the beginning of August to use as a reference for what I said I was going to be doing. LOL

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