I am reading Leviticus. It seems so 'old' sometimes. Then again so did much of Exodus when the temple was being described but then I 'happened' to be at a Bible study and the teacher was talking about how the temple can be described as worship, each section being a different part of worship. It became alive for me. That is another post. But I asked God to bring alive Leviticus to me....and He did. I realized that I 'happened' to be reading this at the time of Lent in preparation for Easter. Lent is all about sacrifice.
I did find something very interesting in reading about the various sacrifices. Let me preface this by saying that I am no Biblical scholar and I don't play one on TV. But sometimes God brings together the Bible, something else I read and His voice to my spirit. I felt he was doing this in talking about the Fellowship/Peace offering.
The Fellowship / Peace offering isn't compulsory. Most of the sacrifices are but this one is voluntary. Why? One thought is that God wants us to come to Him on our own, even in the Old Testament. This morning I read Leviticus 17 and God gives specific instructions on how He wants this offering not to be done in the open fields as it was being done but at the Tent of Meeting. Perhaps to be closer to Him but also closer to others so that worship can be done together.
I don't understand God's physical presence in the Old Testament. He is everywhere now with the Holy Spirit. But I think the Holy Spirit was there at the beginning as was God and He CAN be anywhere. But God continually calls people in Leviticus to certain places, specifically to the Tent of Meeting and places in that Tent. I think God could be everywhere but when we have to move to Him, we are making a conscious choice.
I think there are modern day applications for that. We don't hear from God and we have to ask why? Is there something I need to change? How can I get nearer to God. It is our choice to do so. I have found God to be so grace filled that he does help nudge me on the way even when I feel alone. I can look back and see Him there.
The Peace/Fellowship offering is all about Lent for me. I have more thoughts specifically regarding this an current activities I am doing but I will save those for tomorrow..... TBC

Leviticus is an amazing book of the Bible that most people don't read. That's most unfortunate. It is SO RICH. I'm so glad you are reading it.
This is a link to a 2 hour interview on the Book of Leviticus by Dr. John Kleinig. He is an Australian Lutheran seminary professor and pastor. I realize that you are not Lutheran, but I think he might provide you with much understanding about all the offerings and practices and how they foreshadow. Dr. Kleinig has written commentaries on Leviticus so you might say he is an 'expert'.
Here are the links (1 hour long each).
I hope you can find a few minutes to listen -- it will be worth your time and Leviticus will be even more amazing to you.
In our homeschool, Leviticus will be the next book we'll be in. I can't wait to see what the Lord's reveals to you and I can also glean from.
Thanks for the links Mary Ellyn - I am Lutheran and these might come in handy.
God's Blessings
I love your thoughts on why the Fellowship/Peace Offering is not compulsory. I also often feel the way you described. I can feel so abandoned, only to look over my shoulder wondering how I missed Him there.
Thank you again for your thoughts. I stopped by this morning, but didn't get a chance to comment.
I hope to get some time over the weekend to stop by all the recommended links everyone is sharing.
May the Lord continue to bless you as you study Leviticus.
Isn't it great that we can read the same thing in the Bible at different times in our lives and it still can connect to us (but in different ways)?
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