1. Required by a legal, moral, or other rule; compulsory.
2. So customary or routine as to be expected of everyone or on every occasion:
"Every Year people make the obligatory resolution post as they reflect on the past year."
Hmmmm.... Loose weight, become more organized, exercise more, plan my meals, eat healthier, keep house better, be a better teacher (could someone define better please?), ..... And the list goes on.
To be honest, over the last year, I have discovered a new peace. It isn't always, it isn't on every subject every time, but i have a new peace with 'my space.' I have a peace that I can only control my space. I can make choices- for ME only. I knew this with RDI as it applies to Andrew but it has been SUCH a prevalent issue for 2010 that I am pretty sure God wanted me to 'get' that for other areas of my life. I want to I spend time controlling what I can... getting peace where I can't... and wisdom to know the difference. (Sound familiar?) This is a basic thing that we all 'know' in our head but it has translated to my heart. And this goes along with a favorite proverb:
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.
Proverbs 3, 5-6
But we can't make this translation to our hearts without the help of God. With God's help and my continuing deepening relationship with Him, I am able to TRUST that He is in control. Actually it is more than God's HELP. He has to do it all. But we have to commit for the ride. It is an ongoing process. I do plan to spend time with God this year. If I do nothing else I want to start to put that first. I believe if I do that, all the rest will come naturally. I can sense people who do this and I want some of that.
I also think that I am to 'back off' in some areas. Several friends who have slightly older special needs kids than Andrew, at some point, if they are to remain sane, have carved out lives outside their children. With only one, it becomes more important because that is my ONLY focus. I plan to blog more on my Settings of Silver blog. That will include...diet, exercise..menus.. and other 'fun' stuff that I have loved all my life. I am working through my 101 things in 1001 days list and re-writing to include more in mind with this. I am blocking feeds on my facebook and bypassing blogs for awhile that are autism specific. I am going to continue to concentrate on RDI for Andrew with the guide of just our consultant and pray that God guide her. (I really have been doing that for the last year.) I do plan to look into specific adhd things for Andrew but I want to FOCUS, pick something, pray about it and do it.
But mostly I just want to get to know Jesus better. Because if I lean on him and do what He says, all the rest will come naturally.
His yoke is easy, His burden is light. (Mt 11:30)

New Years Resolutions posts are never obligatory on my blog.
Fly! Be free!
Freedom is scandalous! LOL
Making Plans is good good for this new year, making a advance notes for us to do and don't.
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