Our first assignment was to review the above item; True Treasures, 10 Years of Teach Magazine. This is a collection of articles written to encourage us! It is broken down into chapters that focus on marriage, homemaking, homeschooling, parenting..and being a mom. And I tell ya, I have needed encouragement in all those areas over the past month which has affectionaly become known as The January Freak Out. (Most homeschooler are familiar with this. You aren't doing enough..of the right things..and your child will be damaged for life. It happens every January.)
Anyway- this has been a huge blessing to me.

Although not exclusively Charlotte Mason teaching here, I do practice much of what she preached. I thought I would take several of the articles in this book and narrate them in Charlotte Mason fashion as well as add my personal 'life application'. Please do check out the original articles. The ones I list below were my favorites.
The Best Things by Cindy Wick
Cindy calls us to focus on..well..the best things. That we are to schedule and plan but to know that sometimes the best of things happen outside of the plan. Over scheduling our life doesn't allow, perhaps for God's intervening ... for His plan. We are to seek His guidance down the paths of righteousness. My favorite part of the article is where she talks about how children need to know how to fill their own buckets. When we fill them with activity and/or academics to the point of overflowing there is no room for anything else.
Hope for Hurting Parents by Audrey McKeever
Of course this title would appeal to me. This article is one giant encouragement for those hurting for any reason. It is for those that have felt the glances of other parents who believe you are not doing things right. It is for those whose children (perhaps adults now) have made bad choices. But it is full of hope and what my son would call "big holy hugs."
The Home: Your Family's Center for Ministry by Janya Pettersen
This article is my goal! I want to minister to others- not in a big way- but in small tangible ways that make a difference. I think the article drew me in with the list of potential people that you can minister to when it included a family with an autistic child who needed babysitting help. I love the idea that you don't need to be under an 'umbrella' organization to minister. You really just need to pray, make a plan, and prepare.
You can see some samples from the magazine by clicking HERE or on the picture below. This collection sells for $19.97. Through May 31, 2011, TEACH is offering $4 off of True Treasures (one per customer) by using the code GabbyMom
This collection is over a hundred pages of articles. While I liked many of them there were a few that I just turned the page as they either did not really apply or I just didn't care for them. I am trying to do my best to focus on what encourages me. But I do that on any magazine! I am very much in my walk of moving closer to Jesus. I am trying to focus less on the tasks and more on the relationships so the "task" articles just didn't hit me right sometimes and felt more pressure to 'do it right.' But the ones above, and others were very encouraging. I like to be honest in my reviews and honestly... no one likes everything about every product! (I tend to distrust blogs that do that.) So since this is my first post for Gabby Moms, I just wanted to be clear that you can expect honesty from me. I will always post where you can find the other reviews on this product and as it is opinion, the reason you like this product could be totally different from mine. As I said, there is definitely something for everyone in this True Treasure.

I received this product for honest review from TEACH Magazine as part of The Gabby Moms blogging program. All opinions are solely my own.
Loved you post! Especially your narrations. It makes me want to go back and read it again with a fresh perspective.
Looking forward to getting to know you over this year!
Blessings, paisley
Nicely written post!
Rewriting something in your own words is a great way to internalize...which is what is needed to make change :)
fellow Gabby Mom and newest follower
Love it! I love the name Growing Fruit!
I'm s new Follower and a Fellow Gabby Mom!
Great review! Makes me want to rethink what I wrote everytime I read these - so so good! Fellow Gabby Mom & new follower ~ Jamie :)
Thanks, Amy, for sharing your thoughts! I had found your other blog a few weeks ago as I'm another autism mommy. I agree that idea was awesome!
If you ever want to add your two cents to help my readers understand, feel free to stop by!
Good job! Following along as a fellow Gabby Mom!
Great review!
Carie (a fellow Gabby Mom)
I like that you listed your favorite essays because I had missed one in the book and it was quite good! ~Fellow Gabby Mom
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